Jaclyn Loi
jleloi05@gmail.com Joined 18/01/2022
Ordinary 4y
Career Coaching, Executive Coaching, Organisational Development
Biographical Info
Jaclyn holds multiple portfolios in a Global Business Services company. She is the Executive & Leadership Coach. She is also a Senior Director, a Chief Information & Digital Officer with global experience & cross-culture management exposure. She has more than 20 years of working experience in semiconductor high-tech companies, & more than 10 years in Shared Service industry. Jaclyn is a forward-looking leader driving the organization fervently on: • Digital Transformation & Realization • Emerging Technologies • Organization Development • Strategic HR & Talent Growth. She has coached & led the organization to achieve 3 industry recognitions: (1) PIKOM GBS Asia Award 2020 - "Best DIGITAL GBS Provider of the Year" (2) Graduate Choice Award 2020 - "Most Attractive Graduate Employers to Work For in 2021" (3) PIKOM GBS Asia Award 2019 - "Best New GBS Provider of the Year". Beside spearheading the organization in emerging technologies for business bottom-line improvement, she now devotes 1/3 of her time in Organization Development, as well as Coaching others to pursue personal growth & meaningful fulfilment, be it in Career, Leadership, or Life as a whole. Jaclyn is a developer of Talent, not just Technology.